Wagging Material Chest
Chances for Common: 60.98%, Chances for Uncommon: 19.51%, Chances for Rare: 12.20%, Chances for Epic: 7.32%;
Sanctuary Level 1-9: Total Materials: 50, guaranteed to get 5 Uncommon and 1 Rare materials;
Sanctuary Level 10-19: Total Materials: 52, guaranteed to get 5 Uncommon and 1 Rare materials;
Sanctuary Level 20-29: Total Materials: 55, guaranteed to get 5 Uncommon and 1 Rare materials;
Sanctuary Level 30-39: Total Materials: 58, guaranteed to get 6 Uncommon and 1 Rare materials;
Sanctuary Level 40-49: Total Materials: 60, guaranteed to get 6 Uncommon and 1 Rare materials;
Sanctuary Level 50-59: Total Materials: 62, guaranteed to get 6 Uncommon and 1 Rare materials;
Sanctuary Level 60: Total Materials: 65, guaranteed to get 6 Uncommon and 1 Rare materials.
There are chances for getting a special blueprint in this chest. Chances for Common: 12%, Chances for Uncommon: 8%, Chances for Rare: 5%, Chances for Epic: 1%.
Royal Material Chest
Chances for Common: 52.50%, Chances for Uncommon: 22.50%, Chances for Rare: 15.00%, Chances for Epic: 10.00%;
Sanctuary Level 1-9: Total Materials: 85, guaranteed to get 7 Uncommon and 2 Rare materials;
Sanctuary Level 10-19: Total Materials: 88, guaranteed to get 7 Uncommon and 2 Rare materials;
Sanctuary Level 20-29: Total Materials: 90, guaranteed to get 8 Uncommon and 2 Rare materials;
Sanctuary Level 30-39: Total Materials: 92, guaranteed to get 8 Uncommon and 2 Rare materials;
Sanctuary Level 40-49: Total Materials: 95, guaranteed to get 8 Uncommon and 2 Rare materials;
Sanctuary Level 50-59: Total Materials: 98, guaranteed to get 9 Uncommon and 2 Rare materials;
Sanctuary Level 60: Total Materials: 100, guaranteed to get 9 Uncommon and 2 Rare materials.
There are chances for getting a special blueprint in this chest. Chances for Common: 15%, Chances for Uncommon: 12%, Chances for Rare: 8%, Chances for Epic: 4%
Barking Material Chest
Chances for Common: 47.50%, Chances for Uncommon: 21.50%, Chances for Rare: 17.50%, Chances for Epic: 13.50%;
Sanctuary Level 1-9: Total Materials: 115, guaranteed to get 11 Uncommon, 3 Rare and 1 Epic materials;
Sanctuary Level 10-19: Total Materials: 118, guaranteed to get 11 Uncommon, 3 Rare and 1 Epic materials;
Sanctuary Level 20-29: Total Materials: 120, guaranteed to get 12 Uncommon, 3 Rare and 1 Epic materials;
Sanctuary Level 30-39: Total Materials: 122, guaranteed to get 12 Uncommon, 3 Rare and 1 Epic materials;
Sanctuary Level 40-49: Total Materials: 125, guaranteed to get 12 Uncommon, 3 Rare and 1 Epic materials;
Sanctuary Level 50-59: Total Materials: 128, guaranteed to get 13 Uncommon, 3 Rare and 1 Epic materials;
Sanctuary Level 60: Total Materials: 130, guaranteed to get 13 Uncommon, 3 Rare and 1 Epic materials.
There are chances for getting a special blueprint in this chest. Chances for Common: 18%, Chances for Uncommon: 15%, Chances for Rare: 12%, Chances for Epic: 8%.