Every 2 hours you are able to claim a seed bag. You can then drag these seeds into each of the 5 grow spots to plant sprouts.
The planted sprouts take 2 hours to mature. Harvesting sprouts gives event points depending on the rarity of the seed/sprout planted. The rewards will differ depending on when you started playing the game, so don’t worry if you don’t have the same birds as others! They’ll come your way in future events.
You can use Mulch to ready your Sprouts faster if you do not want to wait.
You can watch videos to shorten the timers on the sprouts and to speed up the time til your next seed bag, by 30 minutes, but this can only be done once every 1.5 hours for each.
The final reward at the end will either be a decoration or Gemberries once you have discovered everything.